
We strive to ensure that the information on this website is accurate and up-to-date. However, we cannot guarantee the validity, quality, or pricing of the products and services listed. The information, software, products, and services provided may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. We and our affiliates do not guarantee the accuracy of the details related to tickets (including pricing), airlines (including schedules), or other travel products (including photos, hotel amenities, and general descriptions).

We do not endorse or recommend any products or services offered on this website. All information, software, products, and services are provided "as is" without any warranty. We and our affiliates disclaim all implied warranties and conditions, including but not limited to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, and non-infringement.

The carriers, hotels, and other service providers are independent contractors and not our agents. We are not liable for their actions, errors, omissions, or negligence. We are also not responsible for any personal injuries, property damage, or other expenses resulting from their services. In case of delays, cancellations, overbookings, strikes, force majeure, or other factors beyond our control, we will not be liable for any additional expenses or changes to your travel plans.

We are not responsible for the content or accuracy of any third-party sites linked to this website. The inclusion of these links does not imply endorsement. Use of these links is at your own risk, and we do not accept any responsibility for claims arising from their use.

Any interactions or transactions with advertisers on our site are solely between you and the advertiser. We and our affiliates are not responsible for any losses or damages incurred from such dealings.

Refund Policies

  1. General Refund Information:
    • Refunds for cancellations or changes to bookings will be processed directly to the client for bookings made directly with the Company, either via demand draft, crossed cheque, bank transfer, IMPS, or other methods at our discretion.
    • For bookings made through travel agents, refunds will be processed through the respective agent.
    • Refund processing may take a minimum of 25 business working days. No refunds will be provided for unutilized services.
  2. Flight Cancellations:
    • Refunds for cancelled flights are subject to approval from the respective airlines. We, at Travezy, are not responsible if airlines do not provide refunds. Refunds will only be issued if received from the airlines.
    • There is no service fee for full refunds if the airlines provide reimbursement.
  3. Refund Processing:
    • The refund amount will be credited to the payment method chosen by the customer at the time of cancellation.
    • Airline cancellation or penalty fees will be credited to the selected payment method or to the customer’s wallet within 4 business working days after receiving the refund from the airlines.
  4. Membership Benefits:
    • Registered members are entitled to a 100% refund on cancelled flights, excluding service charges of Rs. 300 per passenger per sector plus 18% GST.

Travezy reserves the right to modify or withdraw any policies or offers at its sole discretion.